Source:An online MGMAT CAT,I took a few days ago.
Antigenic shift refers to the combination of two different strains of influenza; in contrast, antigenic drift refers to the natural mutation of a single strain of influenza.
influenza; in contrast, antigenic drift refers to the natural mutation of a single strain of influenza
influenza, different than the natural mutation of a single strain, known as antigenic drift
influenza, in contrast to the natural mutation of a single strain, known as antigenic drift
influenza, different than antigenic drift, which refers to the natural mutation of a single strain of influenza
influenza; in contrast to antigenic drift, which refers to the natural mutation of a single strain of influenza
Hi,I have 2 questions:
1)Is "In contrast" Idiomatic,I always thought "In Contrast to" or "In Contrast with" are more idiomatic
2)What makes E a worse option than A?I feel In Contrast to is a very common Idiom even in Technical
writing..Please help me by throwing some light on this issue :)
thanks a lot in advance