Scientists have created a new substance that is [img]so%20transparent%20as%20to%20be[/img] almost invisible.
A. so transparent as to be
B. so transparent it has been
C. so transparent that it was
D. transparent enough so that it is
E. transparent enough so as to be
I went with D because MGMAT's SC (4th Ed./Ch.9) claims the grammatical construction of "so" + "that" = purpose.
Can someone provide a reason for D's incorrectness? Below is my thought pattern:
A. " to" okay but "so... as TO BE" not likely for GMAC to accept because of comparison has only one infinitive on the latter, also sounds like it doesn't abide by any parallelism
B. "have created" vs "has created" plural/singular also no clear cut order
C. "so...was" bad idiom
D. I liked
E. again the " to be" threw me off.
Answer: A