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SC 4th Ch3 Parallerism - Q2, Q12, Q15

by conan92636 Thu Sep 02, 2010 3:17 am

Q2: Although we were sitting in the bleachers, the baseball game as as exciting to us as the people sitting home behind home plate.

Answer: Although we were sitting in the bleachers, the baseball game was as exciting to us as to the people sitting behind home plate.

My problem is why there is no adjective between as and to, such as "as exciting to us as to the people" . And the another question is what about the rule as

Q12: Tobacco companies, shaken by a string of legal setbacksin the United States, but which retain strong growth prospects in the developing world, face an uncertain future.

Answer: Tobacco companies, which have been shaken by a string of legal setbacksin the United States, but which retain strong growth prospects in the developing world, face an uncertain future.

my problem is why change to be "which have been shaken by a string of legal setbacksin the United States" the present perfect tense?

Q15: DR. Crock's claims have been not corroborated by other scientists or published in a prestigious journal but have nontheless garnered a great deal of attention from the public.

Answer: DR. Crock's claims have not been not corroborated by other scientists or published in a prestigious journal but have nontheless garnered a great deal of attention from the public.

My problem is why not should be moved? is there have s special rule?
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Re: SC 4th Ch3 Parallerism - Q2, Q12, Q15

by tim Tue Oct 19, 2010 1:47 pm

Q2: What about the rule You didn’t ask a question. As for the question about an adjective after "as", try putting an adjective there and you’ll see that it not only makes the sentence sound absurd but also violates the parallelism..

Q12: Because there has been a string of legal setbacks, indicating an ongoing event in the recent past. This is exactly what present perfect is designed for..

Q15: This one goes to what we want to negate. You wouldn’t say there was a specific action of not corroborating ("not corroborated"). Rather, there was not any action; hence the phrase "not been". This one of course sounds gross if you say it wrong, but the rule you need to keep in mind is that the not should be appropriately placed to modify the correct thing..
Tim Sanders
Manhattan GMAT Instructor

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