First of all Thanks to Jardan Lee (My tutor at MGMAT), Stacey Koprince and Ron Purewal.
I took my exam at Chicago --and scored 710 (Q48 85%, V 38 85%). Though I was expecting something in the range of 740-760 but I am ok to cross the 700+ barrier.
My experience form the exam--I probably screwed up SC, I think GMAT SCs were very hard. I don't know what SCs were testing but I didn't get what I had prepared for. But I think I more than made up for in CRs and RCs. I am almost certain that i got 95% of them correct. SCs brought my verbal score down. Probably if I take GMAT again I might be able do better in Verbal.
Maths, I thought I did pretty well but I was surprised to see 85% percentile. I am very strong in Quant but may be I over concentrated on verbal and neglected Quant. Infact I ran out of time in Maths.
Anyway with that, HATS OFFFF!!!! TO MGMAT. Without MGMAT I couldn't have succeed. I am not just saying for the sake of it. Trust me MGMAT just Rocks.
They might be expensive but they teach you how to do things Right the very first Time. Ofcourse one has to put in efforts MGMAT can only guide you.
Again they are the BEST!!!!!!!!!