Hi all,
I started reading Fractions,Decimals and Percents Fourth Edition manual, and have some serious doubts on "rounding to the nearest digit" problems. Namely, it is said in the book that when rounding to the nearest digit, let's say tenths, you should ignore all other right digits of the right one and only concentrate on that one, namely hundredths digit. If it's five or greater, you should round up, else, round down. I have a serious issue with this...
For example, I would round 2.5489 in the following manner:
Step 1) 2.5489
Step 2) 2.549
Step 3) 2.55
Step 4) 2.6
So, for me, the rounded to the nearest tenth value would be 2.6.
On the other hand, the book says that the value should be 2.5 (just take the hundredths digit, it's 4, and leave the tenths digit as it is, because 4<5). For me, this implies that you are rounding not the number 2.5489, but the number 2.54, and they are not the same numbers... One can not just ignore the rest of the number as if it doesn't exist....
Please, is this some kind of weird GMAT convention I should get used to? Thnx in advance!