is there any point in retaking with a 700 (45Q,41V)? or is my time better spent studying? i have a 3.89 GPA in electrical engineering from UT-austin --i feel like if i retake again there is a chance i could score lower...or higher really. getting a 750+ seems to be more of a crapshoot....i was practicing more in the 720-730 range--(48-49Q)
my work experience is nothing special--engineer in the semiconductor industry for 3 years. outside of work im heavily involved in habitat for humanity and am organizing a fundraiser for the fall hoping to raise 60K to build a house. i have a lot to talk about in this regard because im very passionate about the cause ---doing this almost feels like having a 2nd fulltime job.
anyways...if i could get some input regarding retaking i would appreciate it