I took my GMAT yesterday and had mixed emotions about my score. My practice tests were not consistent, mostly the Manhattan GMAT tests were much lower than the GMAT Prep tests I took.
My final score was 710
Q: 49
V: 38
I was really happy with my quant score. I felt great during the whole section and was able to manage my time well. I have been struggling to get my verbal score up over the past few weeks and was a bit disappoint with the 38. My last few practice tests I was scoring between 41-43 and feel like I can score higher.
The IR is the main reason I am taking the test again. I did not spend any time preparing for this section and during the exam the proctor called me out of the room since I put my ring on the desk. It threw me off a bit and when I saw the 2 I knew it would be a red flag for my application.
I've decided to take the test again in 6 weeks. I'm a bit worried that I won't be able to hit the quant score again and I'm unsure how to approach verbal. I've done every OG question so don't know if I should purchase more or just keep reviewing old questions. When I review old questions, especially for critical reasoning and reading comprehension, I find that I remember the question. I am a native speaker but decided to start incorporating reading articles into my studying. I also can't keep up the pace that I was studying at for the past few weeks because both my work and personal commitments are starting up again so I'm hoping that putting 5-8 hours a week will be sufficient to keep quant consistent while improving in both verbal and IR.
I bought the enhanced report from GMAC but it didn't provide too much insight into my performance.
Verbal subsection rankings
CR: 78th (2.01 minutes)
RC: 80th (1.83 minutes)
SC: 85th (1.82 minutes)
Any advice would be appreciated as I put together my strategy for the next few weeks.