I just finished my first CAT and my timing was incredibly off on the quant section. I read the article about analyzing the CAT's (https://www.manhattanprep.com/gmat/blog ... ts-part-1/) but I am still a bit confused regarding what to do about the timing.
I noticed I spent more than 4 minutes on two quant questions, which is completely unacceptable if I wish to obtain a good score. This actually forced me to guess on the last four questions, which I got 4/4 wrong.
Stacey goes
"All of the above allows you to quantify just how bad any timing problems are. Now, I’m going to make a pronouncement that will wow you: you have a timing problem!"
Okay, now what?
Any tip on how I can take advantage of this insight, rather than just realizing that I spent too much time on certain questions?