Please tell me how gud I am with these...
Reco 1: I prefer taking recommendation from my Project Lead, when I was a developer/team lead (for first yr of my 2 yr career with IBM). He was my immediate superior then.
Reco 2: As I have certain commitments in my Business Analyst team, I can't dare to let my manager know that I am applying to Business schools. I have an option of taking a recommendation from one Senior Business analyst, whom I worked with for about 8 months (of my one year experience as an IT Business Analyst). I have already spoken with her and she is ready to give a very strong recommendation. But, she left IBM a couple of months ago, and is now working with a different firm as a Senior Business Analyst itself. (OR) I can take a recommendation from the development manager, with whom I worked as a developer an year ago (but, I am anyways getting a similar one from the dev project lead). (OR) I can take one from my co-Business analyst. Please let me know which one is preferable... Either of the three would give me good recommendation.
Reco 3 (wherever required): I am taking a recommendation from the HOD of my undergrad department. It's purely going to be based on my leadership skills and extra-curricular activities.