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Recently documented examples of neurogenesis, the production

by Guest Sat Sep 22, 2007 6:27 pm

Other than the lack of concision is there any other problem with answer B? Thanks.
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by RonPurewal Fri Sep 28, 2007 10:59 pm

Yes. To be extremely brief, the main problem with choice B is that it asserts that mice and canaries are 'examples of neurogenesis'. They aren't, any more than Bach himself is an example of a baroque musical composition.

Please reply if you want more detail than that.

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by StaceyKoprince Tue Oct 02, 2007 1:36 pm

Also, please try to use image files only for complicated math diagrams or the like. It takes more time to download and view images and we're trying to answer as many questions as we can - we need all the help we can get!

Stacey Koprince
Director, Content & Curriculum
Saurabh Malpani

by Saurabh Malpani Sun Dec 02, 2007 12:24 am

What's wrong with A?

What exactly is this question testing?

by ddohnggo Mon Dec 03, 2007 2:19 am

i believe A is wrong because 'when' is ambiguous as it can also refer to the brain.
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by RonPurewal Wed Dec 05, 2007 4:45 am

last poster is correct: 'when' applies by default to the brain.

by DaveGill Tue Mar 18, 2008 10:30 pm

Why is choice D incorrect ?
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by RonPurewal Mon Mar 24, 2008 4:55 am

DaveGill Wrote:Why is choice D incorrect ?

ok, this has gone on long enough: please post the question, together with its answer choices, as TEXT, and then we'll answer the recent question.

there's no reason to waste bandwidth posting verbal questions as image files (except perhaps reading comp questions); image files should be reserved for questions that can't be rendered accurately in the forum, such as geometry problems with diagrams.

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Re: Recently documented examples of neurogenesis, the production

by vinny4nyc Fri Sep 07, 2012 12:32 pm

Recently documented examples of neurogenesis, the production of new brain cells, include the brain growing in mice when placed in a stimulating environment or neurons increasing in canaries that learn new songs.
(A) the brain growing in mice when placed in a stimulating environment or neurons increasing in canaries that
(B) mice whose brains grow when they are placed in a stimulating environment or canaries whose neurons increase
when they
(C) mice's brains that grow when they are placed in a stimulating environment or canaries' neurons that increase
when they
(D) the brain growth in mice when placed in a stimulating environment or the increase in canaries' neurons when
(E) brain growth in mice that are placed in a stimulating environment or an increase in neurons in canaries that

D and E both look ok to me. The brain growth vs brain growth. How do we eliminate D
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Re: Recently documented examples of neurogenesis, the production

by jlucero Fri Sep 14, 2012 1:31 pm

vinny4nyc Wrote:Recently documented examples of neurogenesis, the production of new brain cells, include the brain growing in mice when placed in a stimulating environment or neurons increasing in canaries that learn new songs.
(A) the brain growing in mice when placed in a stimulating environment or neurons increasing in canaries that
(B) mice whose brains grow when they are placed in a stimulating environment or canaries whose neurons increase
when they
(C) mice's brains that grow when they are placed in a stimulating environment or canaries' neurons that increase
when they
(D) the brain growth in mice when placed in a stimulating environment or the increase in canaries' neurons when
(E) brain growth in mice that are placed in a stimulating environment or an increase in neurons in canaries that

D and E both look ok to me. The brain growth vs brain growth. How do we eliminate D

The easiest error in D is the pronoun "they" can't refer to the possessive "canaries' " and so instead refers to neurons:
When neurons learn new songs.

The issue between bg/the bg is less about the word the and more about the modifier that comes afterwards: when/that. Are we saying that that the brain growth is temporary and only occurs while the mice are placed in a stimulating environment (D)? Or are we saying that the mice are placed in a stimulating environment and brain growth stays with them (E)? Since the latter makes more sense, (D) is eliminated.
Joe Lucero
Manhattan GMAT Instructor
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Re: Recently documented examples of neurogenesis, the production

by vinny4nyc Sat Sep 15, 2012 12:04 am

jlucero Wrote:
The easiest error in D is the pronoun "they" can't refer to the possessive "canaries' " and so instead refers to neurons:
When neurons learn new songs.

The issue between bg/the bg is less about the word the and more about the modifier that comes afterwards: when/that. Are we saying that that the brain growth is temporary and only occurs while the mice are placed in a stimulating environment (D)? Or are we saying that the mice are placed in a stimulating environment and brain growth stays with them (E)? Since the latter makes more sense, (D) is eliminated.

thanks Joe... I really need to learn to notice the possesive's in SC. DAMN. Also, understood the meaning change in Brain Growth vs The brain growth... very very subtle..wouldnt have picked it out during a test...
Thanks once again...

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Re: Recently documented examples of neurogenesis, the production

by RonPurewal Mon Sep 24, 2012 8:03 am

well, ok, but there's no reason to get into such subtleties -- choice (d) has rather glaring non-parallelism.

specifically, that choice has canaries' neurons
and mice
these clearly aren't parallel, so you can stop there -- the choice is incorrect.
proper parallelism would require in mice vs. in canaries ... or in mice's brains vs. in canaries' neurons ... or whatever other things actually correspond to each other.

let's keep simple things simple!