Other than the lack of concision is there any other problem with answer B? Thanks.
DaveGill Wrote:Why is choice D incorrect ?
vinny4nyc Wrote:Recently documented examples of neurogenesis, the production of new brain cells, include the brain growing in mice when placed in a stimulating environment or neurons increasing in canaries that learn new songs.
(A) the brain growing in mice when placed in a stimulating environment or neurons increasing in canaries that
(B) mice whose brains grow when they are placed in a stimulating environment or canaries whose neurons increase
when they
(C) mice's brains that grow when they are placed in a stimulating environment or canaries' neurons that increase
when they
(D) the brain growth in mice when placed in a stimulating environment or the increase in canaries' neurons when
(E) brain growth in mice that are placed in a stimulating environment or an increase in neurons in canaries that
D and E both look ok to me. The brain growth vs brain growth. How do we eliminate D
jlucero Wrote:
The easiest error in D is the pronoun "they" can't refer to the possessive "canaries' " and so instead refers to neurons:
When neurons learn new songs.
The issue between bg/the bg is less about the word the and more about the modifier that comes afterwards: when/that. Are we saying that that the brain growth is temporary and only occurs while the mice are placed in a stimulating environment (D)? Or are we saying that the mice are placed in a stimulating environment and brain growth stays with them (E)? Since the latter makes more sense, (D) is eliminated.