parveenjain Wrote:I have a query regarding the usage of 'A number of'.
At one place it has been mentioned that 'A number of' will work as SANAM pronoun and so will take the verb form as per the "subject" after 'of'.It means that it can take either single or plural depending on the "of clause".
At second place(odds and Ends) it has been clearly mentioned that 'A number of' will always take plural form.
Which one I should take as a rule.
Can you please help.
hi --
two things
1) please re-post this question in the appropriate folder. this is the gmat prep folder; that's not where this question belongs (it would more appropriately be placed in the MG verbal strategy guides folder).
2) when you post that new question, please specify: where is the "one place" mentioned (with the sanam thing)?
was that in the strategy guide? or was that just on a random forum post somewhere? etc. (if it's in the strategy guide, a page number reference would be great)