by rajkapoor Mon Feb 08, 2010 2:48 pm
Based on my understanding so far and applying lil foresight , I modestly claim that the answer to your question is "No, there can be no instance where the exact answer varies from statement 1 to statement 2"
[editor: you are correct in spirit, but note that this actually means that the answer to the poster's original question is YES, not NO.]
Situation: Satement 1 - x is 1
Statement 2 - x is 2
Can the above be true?
Reasoning: If your question were to be a GMAT question, then GMAC would be obliged to provide one concrete answer for X for a value question. It cannot provide two different answers(x=1 and x=2) at two different occasions.
In a given set of conditions/constraints , x can only have a specific value.
Why can GMAT not do what you described ?
They cannot create such a scenario because doing that would make their test-making intentions questionable. I think I read somewhere that these questions are tested by outside resources for their validity.
But ultimate question is -
Why Worry about such a situation?
[editor: as the poster stated above, it's actually a checkpoint of sorts: if you wind up getting two different answers from the statements, then you know that something is awry with your approach.]
As an extra excercise for you -
Which of these sentences is correct , if any , else provide the correct sentence structure
Did you see any question leading you to believe that both statements are tricking you to difference answers ?
"Did you see any question that lead you to beleive that both statements are tricking you to different answers ?
Did you see any question that has lead you to believe that both statements tricked you into different answers ?
Did you see any question that lead you to believe that both statements have tricked you into different answers ?
- raj
i ask so i can answer / i answer so i can learn