I need clarification on GMAC's view of the these pronouns.
I understand that Either, Neither, Each, and Another all take only singular verbs. This makes the following sentences I invented on the spot sound terrible. I thought that like the pronoun "most", these pronouns would take the tense of their antecedents. Are these all correct?
1. Another one of the musicians is playing loudly.
2. Each of the hotels is located right on the beach.
3. Neither you nor your friends runs a small business?
4. Either the dogs or the cats has to be taken to the vet.
5. Either of the two boys is coming to dinner.
None: I understand that None can take either a singular or a plural verb in formal English. Does the GMAT favor one over another?
None of them is here. <== Correct
None of them are here. <=== Also Correct
On the whole, I'm confused.