If you have any concerns about business school applications, deadlines, etc. mbaMission Admissions Consultants will answer your questions!

Profile Prospects

by ajnixon Mon Oct 13, 2008 12:02 am

I would greatly appreciate advice on prospective applications.

GPA: 3.23 at Indiana University, Part-time internship w/ daily hour commute during last two semesters
GMAT: 690, Q: 44 (70%), V: 40 (89%)

Schools: LBS, UC Berkeley (FT or PT), NYU, UVA Darden

I'd like to get into Portfolio Management, and have five years of experience in the finance industry including the past year as Operations Manager for a Bay Area Asset Manager. I have also taken certification examinations in performance measurement and have signed up to take the Level 1 CFA exam in June.

How would you rank these schools in terms of chances (likely vs. reach)? Any suggestions in approaching application?

Thank you for any thoughts and suggestions,


by MBAApply Mon Oct 13, 2008 3:51 am

I think you're competitive at all of them - the schools you listed are more or less in the same tier in terms of "how hard is it to get in." You have a solid profile for these schools, so it comes down to how well you execute the application and avoiding bad luck (i.e. a cranky adcom who for some reason doesn't like your essays).

You may want to add a stretch school - Chicago or Columbia.

Alex Chu