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Profile Evaluation: White Male 700 GMAT

by jackw1 Wed May 07, 2014 10:36 am

I recently took the GMAT and scored a 700 (40 V 46Q) I first took the GMAT as a sophomore in college and didn't spend enough time studying, 610. Then I took it last year after just studying on my own and scored a 680, 41 Verbal. So I went back to the drawing board and started prepping again, I had been scoring around 730 on GMAT prep exams but ended up with a 700. My GPA is a 3.94 in business economics from University of Arizona. The Eller college is ranked 12 among public business schools by us news and world report. I am wondering if my slightly quant focused major and high GPA will be enough to offset the 20 or so points I'm below average for the top schools I want to apply to, such as Booth. Particularly since retaking would mean a 4th take (although by the time I apply the first gmat will be over 5 years old)

I currently work for a BB bank doing control in the Investment Bank and have been ranked highly internally. I work in a large city and at the end of the year will be moving into a front office credit analyst role in the commercial bank, think underwriting. This is my first year of work and I wont be applying for another 3 years, so I should be able to nail down a promotion and a solid recommendation even though I am switching to a more difficult role.

I did a number of extracurricular's and internships in college but by the time I apply they wont be as relevant of course. So far I have been mentoring children in the inner city in addition to playing extracurricular sports in different leagues. I plan on doing one certainly and possibly two additional extra's and pursuing leadership roles in them. I also have been considering starting a non-profit, but realistically that is a few years out.

I have a few compelling stories I can write for essays about my personal life growing up. I also have been to over ten countries and greatly enjoy traveling. I was a three sport varsity athlete in high school and was very involved during college with a number of prominent leadership roles. I also had an international internship and worked during school for my entire junior year.

I have not yet made up my mind what I want to do post MBA as there are a few career paths that interest me. But the prospect of social enterprise is something extremely interesting to me. Whether that be through entrepreneurship and starting my own venture, or working as a consultant to help these sorts of clients I am not yet sure, but I have some time to figure it out.

So I am wondering 1)what are suggestions about my GMAT/GPA concerns 2) Any suggestions for ways to improve my app in the coming years 3) If so, what are my chances at Harvard, Booth, Northwestern, Darden, Cornell

Thanks for your help!
ManhattanGMAT Staff
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Joined: Mon May 13, 2013 10:11 am

Re: Profile Evaluation: White Male 700 GMAT

by mbamissionjenK Thu May 08, 2014 9:08 pm

Hi there,

Thanks for posting and for sharing your profile in detail. So as I understand it, you are recently out of college and won't apply for several years. It's great that you are looking and planning ahead, certainly. Here are some thoughts based on what I have read here about your situation:

-Your biggest immediate q seems to be re: the GMAT. Certainly at present 700 is respectable and not drastically below those schools' averages. However, we also can't predict what those schools' averages will be in say 3 years time! ;) Test scores have been increasing slowly but surely; 700 used to be close to the 95th percentile, now it's 89th. So it's hard to say. Personally I'd probably hold off until maybe 9 months before you apply and assess what scores are like at that point and what school averages are like. BUT if you felt like you could go in and get 730+... I can see a small argument for one more shot. I think you could go either way but you have taken it a good # of times and improved a lot so that is great.

-GPA: sounds great right at over 3.9?? or did I miss something about a q on your GPA?

-Sounds like a good start to your work experience. Things to think about that would be great ideally when you apply: taking on leadership roles; working well in team situations; going above and beyond what is asked; making an impact on your organization and on others. People & project management.

-Also good to hear you are very interesting in community and social enterprise etc and are working on volunteering at present/before b-school. Leadership roles and genuine commitment within community involvement can be a plus.

Beyond that, it's difficult to tell at this point but you've got the potential for a strong application if all comes together, you're on the right track! ;)

Final word of advice looking ahead... as you get to the final year before applying, really dig in deep with researching your chosen schools... that can make a difference! And if you are this forward-looking, see if you can visit the schools, sit in on classes, talk to many current students and alum and professors etc. Really KNOW what you are getting into, that not only helps YOU with deciding where to go and what feels right, but your apps will be that much more compelling when you can talk about the school with authority and share that you visited or spoke with xyz alum and how that influenced your decision to go there.

Good luck to you!
Jennifer Kedrowski

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