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Profile Evaluation - thanks in advance

by KT Tue Aug 26, 2008 7:52 pm

-740 GMAT (80% Quant, 98% Verb)
-3.44 Undergrad GPA (University of Virginia Commerce School)
-3.48 Law School GPA (Duke University, with honors)
-3 years of practice in Washington, DC office of 1000 lawyer, international law firm (practice focuses on corporate law - m&a, capital finance and real estate)
-probably applying to Stanford, Harvard, Wharton, UVA, Duke, UNC
-mba in hopes of getting into private equity, investment banking, or real estate development

by MBAApply Tue Aug 26, 2008 8:28 pm

You should be in the running based on your raw goods alone.

But it has to be more than that. What will make or break you is convincing them you're not trophy hunting or a pure money grab. Or that you're not just another bitter lawyer who has stronger reasons for leaving the law than entering a business career.

You mentioned all these big money jobs like banking, private equity, real estate development -- which will suggest to a cynic that it's only about the money. The money is a given. You have to convince the adcom why you're doing this other than the money (and that "other reason" has to be more compelling than "I hate the law because I'm not getting paid enough").

I hate to sound cynical, but know that that's what you're faced with based on your profile alone.

You have the goods. But you have to convince them you aren't just another Gordon Gekko wannabe or else you'll be surprised how many top schools will turn away from your strong profile.

You just have to be honest with yourself -- if this is a move that is way more than just money, then great, you're in a good position both for b-school as well as your post-MBA career (whatever that is). But if money and greed is what's driving you, you'll have to do some real thinking because you won't be able to BS an adcom well enough.

Alex Chu

by KT Tue Aug 26, 2008 10:50 pm

Not a money thing at all - if it was, I'd keep my current job and not pay $150k to go to school again.

I've been a lawyer for 3 years and it just isn't for me - I don't hate it, but I don't like it enough to do it for much longer. I've learned a lot and I'd like to use what I've learned in business - whether that be PE, IB, etc.

Also, re the money, I would think anyone who says they want to do private equity or investment banking would come off as somewhat money hungry - seems like it would be kind of hard to avoid that stigma, whether or not you have a legal background.

Finally, in this economy, it is extremely hard to make the transition from corporate lawyer to banker, developer, etc. There are tons of unemployed analysts, bankers, etc. walking around. I think I need an MBA to make the transition.

by MBAApply Wed Aug 27, 2008 3:33 am

Put it this way.

It's like Playboy vs. Maxim vs. ... Hustler. The girls are a given.

But you have to talk about how great the articles are. Remember, in terms of content the print articles actually make up most of these magazines.

Alex Chu


by Guest Wed Aug 27, 2008 2:42 pm

Stop following the herd. You'll be jacking off in the office bathroom every night at an i-bank / PE firm. If I were you, and I were 29, I'd work on enriching my life experiences as much as possible rather than trying to run in the rat race that is finance.

- Successful banker.