I scored a 700 - 90% (Q45 - 78% and V40 - 92%) on the GMAT a few years ago. i have worked for a major bank (analyst then associate level) and an insurance company earlier on (berkshire hathaway owned company) and have strong performance and promotion history. Total work experience will be equal to 5 years upon starting school in fall 2011.
My recomendations should be strong and my community involvement contains two groups/causes that i am heavily involved in (ie team leader/director positions). I got a 3.2 gpa from a top ranked public school, but am worried that I may need to take the GMAT again to meet the 80/80 split and be in the running for the schools i would like to apply to.
Univ. of Chicago, Northwestern, Harvard, Wharton, Stanford, Michigan
My question is whether or not I should take the GMAT again to get a 720 or 730?? Would this make much of a difference? Are these schools that i have a legit chance at?
Any help is much appreciated, as I am planning to study and retake the exam if needed this coming spring prior to R1 deadlines next fall..