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Profile Evaluation

by andrew.k.john Sat Aug 08, 2009 6:46 pm

I am currently in the process of applying for MBA programs and am needing some assistance with determining whether I'm a qualified candidate for the schools I'm looking at. Additionally, what are some of my strengths and weaknesees that need to be addressed in the application process.

Academic Background: National Merit Scholar, full-ride to Arizona State University from out of state. BS in Mathematics with 3.36 GPA. GPA from my math classes are quite a bit higher.

Work History: 2 years as a stock broker with one of the biggest discount online brokers. Currently am the youngest member of a team that services HighNetWorth ($1MM)+ retail clients. This was a promotion I received after 1 year, and is a position that "required" 3 years of Finance experience. At work, I run classes once a month to teach new brokers the knowledge they need on Options and ETF trading.

Professional Development: Just passed the Level 1 CFA exam, and am currently studying for the Level 2 exam. If all goes as planned, I will be a Level 3 candidate at the time I begin an MBA program. Also, I am teaching myself the basics of Numerical Methods and their applications in Finance. I have a desire to learn this stuff, and am trying to expose myself to the programming aspects of Finance.

Extra Curricular: Was a member of a social fraternity as an Undergrad and am still very involved with the as an alumnus in the undergraduate chapter and the alumni chapter. As an undergrad, played an instrumental role in an annual community service project my fraternity ran. This project involved soliciting donations of food, toys, furniture, etc from families of a local school district, and distributing these donations to the impoverished Phoenix area community of Guadalupe at Christmas time.

TEST SCORES: Only one time taking the GMAT. 740 (97%) 51Q (98%) 39V (87%) 5.5AWA. No plans to retake, nor do I feel a need. I dont think a better score does anything for me.

Admitted weak areas: (1) My transcript. GPA is not too hot. I failed one class in college and also have half a dozen class Withdrawals on my transcript. I have a good reason for the withdrawals, but probably need to address both in an Essay. (2) Work Experience. It obviously doesn't match up against a 3rd year Wall Street analyst. Ironically, I am going back to school so that I am a better candidate for these Wall Street positions. (3) Community Service. Outside of my undergrad work, there is not much.

I am looking at top schools, and top schools only. I am a firm believer that the ROI on lesser programs is not there and that my time would be better spent focusing on my development elsewhere. My ideal Program is Sloan. Also looking at Booth, Stanford, Haas, Wharton, and Princeton. Outside of MBA, am also considering at 12-18mo Master in Finance program at some of these same schools. I am searching for a very quantitatively driven program.

How does my profile stack up?
Also, can you suggest some other Top MBA programs that have a strong focus on the Quantitative side.

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Re: Profile Evaluation

by andrew.k.john Sat Aug 08, 2009 7:00 pm

Before I get any responses, I had another question I wanted to add....

In reviewing other Profile Evaluations, it seems that any mention of the CFA or work towards the CFA is glossed over and not given much credit. Having successfully completed the first test, I can say from experience that this test is no joke. It requires a lot of time and dedication which is hard to come by while working a full-time job. And the curriculum is not a walk-in-the-park either. Do most MBA programs give work towards a CFA charter any credit? It would seem to me they should give it a lot of credit, since it demonstrates dedication, motivation to further one's career, and some minimum level of aptitude. Can you please comment on that? Thanks.
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Re: Profile Evaluation

by mbamission Mon Aug 10, 2009 3:54 pm

Hello Andrew,

Thank you for providing such a detailed post. I do recommend that you address the failed class in college as well as the large number of withdraws on your transcript. I would do that in an optional essay. In terms of your GPA, it’s not terrible certainly, it may be a bit lower than the average GPA of the students attending some of the schools that you are interested in, but it is not something that I would be concerned about, particularly since you did so well on the GMAT. My concern is the withrdraws and the failed class on your transcript.

Depending on how well you can demonstrate achievement and leadership at work - and it does seem that you are able to do that, your work experience may not be a weakness per se. You seem to have done quite well, receiving an early promotion and even teaching others. Your last concern about a lack of activities since college is definitely a weakness. Top tier schools like the ones that you are interested in, this may be a problem. They are looking for multi-dimensional candidates who have invested in something outside of their career. This may not be as much of an issue for the Master in Finance, which is not my area of expertise, but I suggest inquiring about the requirements for that degree - which may be a better fit for you based on your career goals. If you are planning to apply for the MBA in the second round, you may have time to begin working on an activity in which you can have impact over the next few months. The CFA is helpful in that it showcases your quantitative ability, but business schools are really focused on leadership.


Akiba Smith-Francis

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