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Profile Evaluation

by GuestDN Sat Sep 20, 2008 12:24 am

I am in the process of studying for the GMAT which has me pulling my hair out and looking for open windows to jump out of.

I went to a pretty crappy college for undergrad and sadly did pretty crappy (2.75 gpa), Since then however I have changed a great deal and have done a year in Americorps, and two in the Peace Corps in Africa doing small business development. I have spent the last 15 months founding an English school, paid back all debts, and sold it to British investors. I am thinking I will get about a 600 on the gmat if god exists. I am not so diluted to believe I have a chance at a top tier school, yet I am curious if due to my GPA and presumably low GMAT I should give it up and join the circus. Thanks a million be brutally honest.

by MBAApply Sun Sep 21, 2008 12:39 pm

Man, you sound pretty down on yourself!

B-schools really value candidates with Peace Corps experience. That will certainly help you.

The two big things you'll need to focus on are: GMAT and confidence (judging from your post). With a low GPA, you need a strong GMAT if you want a realistic shot of getting into a top b-school. For schools in the top-16, you'll need high 600s or greater. For schools in the top-30, you'll need mid-600s or greater. However, regardless of your score, you should still apply anyhow -- put in your best effort on the applications, and you never know.

Alex Chu