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Profile Evaluation

by chris2008 Sun Sep 07, 2008 9:47 am

What are my B school options given the following information below (you previously agreed NYU was possible in earlier post):

Personal info: Married white male age 32. My wife would definitely move with me if I could get into a good FT MBA program.

GMAT: 690 (Q=44 V=40)
Work Experience: 9yrs at Merrill Lynch
1999: Specialist
2002: Trading floor Sales assistant
2004 Associate, traded cds
2006-present Vice President Prime Brokerage
GPA: 3.0 overall; 3.2 Finance at Rutgers University 1999
Extra curricular: Analyst recruiting program for ML
*Should I include my involvement on ML softball team or any H.S. sports on my applications?

Thank you,

by MBAApply Sun Sep 07, 2008 1:50 pm

9 years as a corporate professional puts you in part-time or executive MBA territory. You'll have an uphill climb at the top full-time programs especially this year with how competitive its going to be (and a growing number of younger applicants going for it after hearing HBS, Stanford, Wharton, etc. are going younger - which means that these very same young applicants who hear this and apply may also apply to other top programs as well).

To be honest, your best bet will be the Langone program at NYU - it's one of the strongest part-time programs anywhere and staying in New York will allow you to develop your network even more (especially when you're 30+ and mid-career, it's going to come down more to who you know than your educational pedigree anyhow).

As an experienced corporate professional like yourself, it's really not worth going back full-time because of that very reason - you'll be more valuable in the marketplace given your experience level by continuing to work rather than spending two years full-time with people who are 5-9 years younger than you are. Of the small percentage who are in their early 30s, most come from non-traditional backgrounds like the military, nonprofit, teaching, etc. so you will feel out of place.

Alex Chu