If you have any concerns about business school applications, deadlines, etc. mbaMission Admissions Consultants will answer your questions!

Profile Evaluation

by guest Wed Jul 02, 2008 12:13 am


I will be grateful if you can review my profile.

GMAT Score 690 (50Q/33V)

Experience 6 years in retail banking (4 years in India and 2 years in California)

Current role Associate Vice President

Aiming for Haas, INSEAD & Cornell

Do you think I should retake GMAT as my verbal score is too low. Haas's admission criteria points out Quantitative score in GMAT to be the most important. Do you think my strong Quant score may help?


by MBAApply Wed Jul 02, 2008 12:46 am

Re-take it if you are confident you can boost your score by 40 points or more without a lot more additional effort (i.e. your 690 was a bad hair day for you).

Otherwise, you should just focus your time and effort on your applications.

As for your chances, you're a middle-of-the-road candidate -- folks like you get in, folks like you get dinged - it comes down to a combination of application execution and luck.

Alex Chu