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Profile evaluation

by vladimir.belikov Wed May 04, 2016 5:27 pm

Could you please evaluate my profile?

Education: I have both a Master degree from the Chemistry department of Moscow state university (GPA 5.0 out of 5.0) and a Master degree from Financial university in Moscow. Additionally (GPA 4.9 out of 5.0), I am a PhD candidate in Quantum chemistry.
Plus, I participated in a few extra no-diploma programs on finance in Rissia and participated in Summer School on Mathematics in Finance in Geneva.

Experience: Currently, I have 4 or 5 years of working experience. I had been working in management consulting at big4 companies, and currently I am a head of stream of the big project at Russian Post.

Tests: I have taken GMAT (710 - 50/35 Q/V) and IELTS (8.0)

Extra curriculars: I was a founder of the newspaper at the university and organized sport events there. Additionally, I organized Christmas bazaars at Deloitte.

Race/nationality: Russian/Russia

Sex: Male / 27 years old.

I want to attend HBS, MIT Sloan and INSEAD. I think that I want to apply for an MBA program because I'd like to get an international learning experience, get new friends, and pursue my career in consulting. My dream is MIT.
ManhattanGMAT Staff
Posts: 640
Joined: Mon May 13, 2013 10:11 am

Re: Profile evaluation

by mbamissionjenK Mon May 09, 2016 11:35 am

Hi there,

Thanks for your post. Sounds like you have gathered quite a lot of experience, academic as well as professional! So you have a lot of strengths going for you, including your grades in grad school and academic success, and sounds like a solid consulting career thus far, as well as some activities and commitments outside of your main academic or professional duties, which show that you are willing to step up and get involved, likely at a b-school campus as well.

I think your biggest challenge will be explaining your story and ensuring that no one reading your app raises their eyebrows and wonders about your path to date and whether the MBA is the best next step for you. So I'd say as long as you make it clear what you learned and gained from your prior past degrees and experiences, and make it VERY clear that you know EXACTLY how and why the MBA will help you with your upcoming career plans, you would have a shot or be considered. I would also add that with a 710 GMAT you're borderline for the schools mentioned, just in that at that level it's quite competitive, so if you have the time I'd consider giving it one more shot as that could help. Food for thought.

Good luck and let us know if we can help further at any point!
Jennifer Kedrowski

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