I would like your assistance in evaluating my profile for MBA programs.
Undergrad GPA 3.88 from University of Arkansas
My GMAT score is 730 (49Q, 40V)
I'm currently 26 years old, but will be 27 at enrollment.
I will have 5 years of work experience at the time of enrollment. Current experience is in International Strategy for a global retailer.
Volunteer experience: Started a charity that provides weekend meals to underprivileged middle school students in the area. To date, we have served over 5,000 "snack packs" equating to 18,000 meals. Additionally, I am the alumni advisor for a fraternity (w/ 200 active members) at the University of Arkansas (requires 8-12 hr per week) and have work on a major fundraising effort for our house renovation ($6M+).
My target schools are HBS, MIT, Booth, Kellogg, Wharton, Yale (maybe Texas)
Any feedback is greatly appreciated. Cheers!