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Profile Evaluation

by kyle.steiner123 Fri Dec 27, 2013 12:32 pm

Was wondering what my chances are of getting into business schools with my current profile...I am debating about re-taking GMAT and waiting til spring application rounds but a little worried due to the competitiveness of those rounds. Thanks in advance for your help.

- 26 year old single white american male
- 3.45 GPA from Ohio State (BSBA with concentration in Logistics Management and a minor in Leadership through the ROTC department)
- taken the GMAT twice (First Attempt) 660 (Q-40/V-40/AWA-6/IR-6)...(Second Attempt) 650 (Q-44/V-36/AWA-5/IR-8)...not sure which of those is really my "best" when looking at the whole package
- 4.5 years of military service as an Infantry Officer in US Army (many decorations and quick promotions; increased responsibility etc)
- 2 combat deployments to Afghanistan (returned from most recent this month; did all my GMAT prep and took both tests while in Afghanistan; also prepared all my application and essays while in Afghanistan)
- was leader and member of many ROTC extracurricular activities
- played lots of intramural sports in college
- volunteer work with boys and girls club in college

Applying to following schools:
UT Austin, Indiana, Emory, Ohio State, Vanderbilt, and Washing St. Louis

Are there any other schools I should be considering with this profile? Pretty much willing to go to any location except west coast. I am looking at getting into consulting or logistics/supply chain management.

Thanks again,
ManhattanGMAT Staff
Posts: 640
Joined: Mon May 13, 2013 10:11 am

Re: Profile Evaluation

by mbamissionjenK Sun Dec 29, 2013 10:51 pm

Hi Kyle,

Thanks for posting. Overall I would say you are probably on-par in terms of the schools you are aiming for; your scores could be higher but with a strong application and essays/interview, you should be considered at the programs you have mentioned. In terms of other programs to look at, for Supply chain management, you could look at Broad, Smeal, Carey, Krannert.

With regard to your military experience, they can be a plus in differentiating you and demonstrating leadership etc, but just be sure you translate what you learned into civilian terms and focus on your skills in leading and motivating, in managing others, in teamwork situations, etc, and to be sure you explain clearly why you want the MBA and demonstrate that you've thought through your next career steps.

Good luck and keep us posted on further q's!
Jennifer Kedrowski

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