Please kindly evaluate my profile.
Male, 28, Chinese American
GMAT: 770 (first and only attempt), Q:50, V:46, AWA:6.0
Education: University of California, San Diego
Undergraduate GPA - 3.78 (BS in Computer Science)
Graduate GPA - 3.67 (MS in Computer Science)
Work Experience: 4 years of industry experience in a reputable and well-known software company as a software developer
Other Experiences:
- Associate board member of the Chinese employees diversity group at my company, involved with leadership roles in cultural and community service activities
- Volunteer for a local charity organization, focused on providing financial assistance to rural children in China. Lead several charity fundraising events over the past few years.
- Career mentorship at my company, helped new employees in my team develop their technical and leadership abilities
Foreign Languages: Fluent in Mandarin Chinese
Goals: I wish to leverage my highly analytic skills, solid software development background, and first-hand experience in cloud computing to become a consultant for new businesses and help them design and develop cloud-based business infrastructures. For the long term, I plan to continue my involvement with charity organizations that provide financial assistance to impoverished rural children in China, and help them excel in academic and professional careers.
Target Schools: Harvard, Wharton, Chicago, Columbia, NYU
I am planning to apply first round this year. Please kindly provide your comments and suggestions. Specifically, I would like to know how I can stand out in the midst of the "Asian American engineer" crowd that may be a bit over-represented in the MBA applicant pool.
Thanks in advance,