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Profile Evaluation Request

by abhinav_iitg Fri Jun 26, 2009 2:57 am


Sorry to bring it up again with different package.

I have gone through agony of taking GMAT 3 times in the order of 690, 690 and 710. AWA from 5.0 - 6.0

The last attempt was in last week of November and hence I could apply to only 4 schools and that too in the later stages.
Round 2 - Kellogg,
Round 3 - LBS, Berkeley and CMU

Result: Wailisted - Kellogg and LBS, Rejected straight up from - Haas and CMU

Please advice based on my profile or am I aiming too high (top 5 MBA such as Harvard, Wharton, LBS, KEllogg, MIT)?
WIll taking the GMAT again and scoring would help much?

Undergrad - 3.4 from IIT (Top Engineering school of India)
Graduate - 3,56 from SNU (South Korea's best university)

Career Progression
- Started as software engineer in India with Samsung. Got the opportunity to lead a software module in the first year after joining at the client side in America
- Handpicked by Samsung for fast track program. Did my masters in Telecommunication in South Korea and then joined Samsung, Korea as project engineer with 2 years ahead in career timeline
- Have observed challenging opportunities. International exposure. Executed and presented products in international conferences
- Client Interaction. Lead international team of 4 people for various projects.

Extra-Curricular Activities:
1. Captain and Club Manager of a Cricket Club
2. Treasurer of an International affiliated Association dealing with budget of $100,000
3. Co-founder of International Student Association at Seoul National University
4. Co-founder of Foreign Employee Club in my company
5. Other associations

1. 4 publications in international conference and magazines
2. Published an article in a book
3. Failed Entrepreneurial experience
4. 3 rd prize in international essay competition
5. Other academic honors