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Profile evaluation - GMAT 700 + 14 years exp.

by ymm17 Mon Apr 04, 2016 8:28 am


I have 14 years of experience in mobile/IoT/wireless domains.
Worked on cutting edge telecom technolgies like 4G/WiMAX.
Leading teams in audio bringup and new features on mobiles/ IoT products like Android, Brillo, Android Wear

The GMAT score:-
GMAT : 700(89%)
Verbal: 36 (80%)
Quant : 49 (78%)

1. Have been a teacher in Teach for India movement.
2. Led cross cultural team with team members in Canada, France and India
3. Worked in France, South Korea and USA for varing periods from 3-6 months.
4. Led construction of a temple in a village recently.

Target Schools:
Harvard, University of Berkley (HaaS), Duke, Chicago (Booth), Wharton, Kellog, Tuck; In general Top 10.

Q1) Do I need to re-take GMAT?
Q2) Is age on 37 years a hindrance to get into top 10-15 schools in US?
ManhattanGMAT Staff
Posts: 640
Joined: Mon May 13, 2013 10:11 am

Re: Profile evaluation - GMAT 700 + 14 years exp.

by mbamissionjenK Mon Apr 04, 2016 9:34 pm

Hi there,

Thanks for your post. It's tough for me to get a good feel for your resume, career and accomplishments since I am not in your industry, and I don't have an actual resume to review... it sounds like it's good that you have some team-lead experience, but I'm not sure to what extent you've really shown leadership or made an impact. Keeping what I do know in mind and looking at the big picture, to be honest I do feel top 10 will be a bit of a stretch just given HOW competitive it is!! Sure a higher GMAT may help some; but yes it will be a bit of a challenge to explain why you still need the MBA at this point in your career, to ensure you make a convincing case for how it will help you and exactly what you'll do with it and with all you'll learn there etc.. so it's not impossible per se, but it won't be easy either. I'd say your chances would be stronger outside the top 10/15 or so, food for thought to consider! Good luck either way!
Jennifer Kedrowski

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