Hi all,
I recently took the GMAT and am trying to see where my profile shakes out if I'm unable to increase my score.
White male
GMAT: 680 (45Q/38V)
GPA: 3.64, honors program
Ugrad: Large state school, finance major
Ugrad honors: Recipient of the most 'prestigious' ugrad business scholarship at the school following my freshman year: a full ride my sophomore, junior, and senior years based off of 'showing exceptional leadership potential'.... not sure how strong of an impact this will have on MBA apps
WE: 3yrs so far.. 2yrs BB Sales & Trading analyst at the BAML/Citi/Barclays tier in NYC (1yr credit derivative sales, 1yr structured products sales, and 1yr to present (after an internal promotion/transfer) working on business strategy for a new group that is a joint-venture between markets and the private bank. Lots of senior-level exposure in the new role and expect very solid recs.
Extra curricular: significant extra curriculars during undergrad and currently a project leader for a nonprofit that focuses on job readiness and financial education, while also currently a financial counselor focused on helping families build credit and avoid bankruptcy
Post-MBA goal: consulting.. but plan on solidifying my exact goals over the next 6 months.
Stretches: Kellogg, Dartmouth
Targets: UVA, Duke, Michigan
I have been studying for the GMAT for the past 4 months and have only been able to crack 700 on one CAT recently. I am curious as to whether my ugrad degree and work experience will be enough to offset a 45Q if I'm unable to 'beat the gmat'. That being said, I have scheduled the GMAT rd2 for June and of course hope to break 700 to eliminate that uncertainty!
Let me know your thoughts - any and all are greatly appreciated!