After extensive research & visiting campuses of 8 FT MBA programs, I've decided to apply to only one - LBS in R2. My friends think I'm making a bad decision to not submit to add'l schools (esp w/ increased application rates expected this year) but my thought is that it's better to put 100% into 1 app rather than spreading myself thin trying to meet add'l R2 deadlines. (If I was applying to other schools, my next picks are Berkeley & Sloan).
My questions are as follows:
1) Am I being ridiculous to only apply to 1 school in R2? (in theory I could put in R3 apps if rejected from LBS)
2) What are my chances of getting into LBS?
Female, 28
BSB Marketing 3.3 GPA
660 GMAT (Verbal 41 92%, Quant 39 55%)
6 years in sales / acct mgmt roles at consumer packaged goods company (promotions, increased responsibility, etc - but no direct reports)
Decent extracurriculars since college (and in college)
Planning career change to takeover management of family farm