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Profil evaluation

by Hamidt674 Mon Mar 23, 2015 1:44 am


My profile :
-Morrocan/Male/23 years( after graduation)

I would like to continue my studies in the US. after i graduate in France.

If everything work out i will have a french engineering degree (equivalent : master of science) + another master in sustainable development engineering (Master Ingénierie développement durable).

My average grade is 11.5/20.
Work experience so far : None. but I will have a 6month internship before graduation

I would like to continue my studies with an MBA.
The schools i aim usually have an average GMAT of 670-700.

I know that i have a low Gpa + no work experience. What GMAT score should i get to have a chance ?

I know it's going to be difficult, that's why I'm also interested by finance (MS in finance), do you think i have better chances ? If yes, what score should i get to be in a good position ?

Thank you for you help.
ManhattanGMAT Staff
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Joined: Mon May 13, 2013 10:11 am

Re: Profil evaluation

by mbamissionjenK Wed Mar 25, 2015 1:27 pm

Hi there,

Thanks for your post. Good luck as you finish up your degree/s!

So yes it sounds like the first step for you is to determine what your long-term career path will look like, at least as you envision it as of now. If you have an idea of what your longer term career goals are, that could help you work backwards and identify what shorter-term career steps make the most sense, including type of employment and potential additional degree.

The Masters in Finance is more common for those with little work experience, whereas the MBA is generally for those with 4-8 (give or take) years of full-time work experience, on average. The MBA is a more general degree across management and business disciplines, and the Masters in Finance will obviously be centered around finance, so it again depends upon what you are looking for and what your planned future steps are.

For either, scoring at or above the average GMAT of that program will help with admissions. GMAT scores are valid for 5 years, so you can prep for and take the exam soon even if you aren't sure when you'll apply. In fact statistically people score better the sooner they take it after college. ;)

Your GPA does sound quite low; not sure how you'd characterize it compared with others in your class etc? But that could be a challenge as well.

One option might be to gain some work experience first for a few years, which could help you further identify the type of career you are aiming for longer-term. Or if you know you'll be very focused on finance and want to continue studying now, you could focus on the Masters in Finance options.

Good luck on your decisions!
Jennifer Kedrowski

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