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prep sc

by lindaliu9273 Sun Jun 15, 2014 8:59 pm

Some scientists have been critical of the laboratory tests conducted by the Federal Drug Administration on the grounds that the amounts of suspected carcinogens fed to animals far exceeds those that humans could consume
A. far exceeds those that humans could consume
B. exceeds by far those humans can consume
C. far exceeds those humans are able to consume
D. exceed by far those able to be consumed by humans
E. far exceed those that humans could consume


I have 2 questions:
1. Manhattan SC says that "amount" is uncountable modifier. So I'm quite confused about the "amounts" here and "exceeds" here.
2.Is "be able to be done" always wrong? Any difference between "can " and "be able to" we should pay attention to?

Thanks a lot~
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Re: prep sc

by RonPurewal Wed Jun 18, 2014 1:23 pm

lindaliu9273 Wrote:1. Manhattan SC says that "amount" is uncountable modifier. So I'm quite confused about the "amounts" here and "exceeds" here.

If you have multiple items that can be measured in uncountable units, then you could refer to either the amounts or the numbers"”depending, of course, on context.

The number of stimulants in this drink is over the legal limit.
(E.g., the law only allows drinks to contain two different stimulants, but this drink contains three different stimulants.)

The amounts of stimulants in this drink exceed legal limits.
(E.g., the law states that drinks must have caffeine ≤ 300 milligrams and synephrine ≤ 40 milligrams, but this drink contains 400 milligrams of caffeine and 50 milligrams of synephrine.)

In this problem, "amounts" is not underlined, so we're talking about grams, or ounces, or whatever. Not talking about the number of different carcinogenic chemicals.
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Re: prep sc

by RonPurewal Wed Jun 18, 2014 1:23 pm

2.Is "be able to be done" always wrong? Any difference between "can " and "be able to" we should pay attention to?

Thanks a lot~

I can't think of a context in which that would work. So, I'll give you the green light to eliminate it.

See, there's a fundamental contrast.
"Able" describes abilities"”things that the subject is actively capable of doing...
... but "to be ___ed" is passive"”it describes things done to the subject.
These don't really mix.

"Can", on the other hand, can be used passively: Because it has extra-large print, this book can be read easily by people with poor eyesight.

In fact, that last sentence ("Can" ... can be used passively) is another example of the same idea.
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Re: prep sc

by lindaliu9273 Thu Jul 03, 2014 8:58 pm

Thank you so much!
Posts: 19744
Joined: Tue Aug 14, 2007 8:23 am

Re: prep sc

by RonPurewal Wed Jul 09, 2014 11:47 am

No problem.