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prep 2012 pack1 (need instructors!)

by eggpain24 Tue Sep 04, 2012 11:58 pm

[Moderator's edit]

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Here is my confusion:

I strip all the modifiers in the sentence,just look at the main skeleton(and I also notice the existence of "but"ï¼‰, just to make sure that there is a reasonable contrast present
magic monkey
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Re: prep 2012 pack1 (need instructors!)

by magic monkey Wed Sep 05, 2012 2:58 am

C:the water (on the surface) remains frozen, but the gravitational force causes contractions that may generate heat to melt ice (below the surface)

D:the water remains frozen, but the gravitational force, v-ing, may generate so much heat to melt ice below Europa’s surface.

I think the "strips" should be improved as above, and as OE says, the causal chain "gravitational force causes contractions that generate heat that may melt ice" is quite important.

in D, it is the gravitational force NOT contractions that would generate heat to melt ice ... It just cannot make sense. Chioce D cuts the logic chain to an single subject or noun, and this is a main kind of tricks gmat would set, of course, as I think.

again, as OE says, the sentence needs to clarify the CAUSAL CHAIN.

may it help~
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Re: prep 2012 pack1 (need instructors!)

by eggpain24 Wed Sep 05, 2012 3:29 am

magic monkey Wrote:C:the water (on the surface) remains frozen, but the gravitational force causes contractions that may generate heat to melt ice (below the surface)

D:the water remains frozen, but the gravitational force, v-ing, may generate so much heat to melt ice below Europa’s surface.

I think the "strips" should be improved as above, and as OE says, the causal chain "gravitational force causes contractions that generate heat that may melt ice" is quite important.

in D, it is the gravitational force NOT contractions that would generate heat to melt ice ... It just cannot make sense. Chioce D cuts the logic chain to an single subject or noun, and this is a main kind of tricks gmat would set, of course, as I think.

again, as OE says, the sentence needs to clarify the CAUSAL CHAIN.

may it help~

thx for ur reply!

but i still a little bit confused about whether i can strip the essential-modifier in choose C

also in D,I think the GMAT will not ask us to identify who or what may generate the heat(it just needs our common sense,and I am afraid that force or contractions could be the subject as long as we don't change the intended meaning)

I just find the intended meaning a little bit hard to understand(so what is being contrast?frozen and melt?so D appears better to me)

hope I make my point clear and please point out my mistakes
magic monkey
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Re: prep 2012 pack1 (need instructors!)

by magic monkey Thu Sep 06, 2012 12:37 am

It is the LOGICAL/ CAUSAL CHAIN not COMMON SENSE that matters in this OG question. Try switch into another way to look at it. After all, whatever is OFFICIALLY right is DEFINITELY right!

but i still a little bit confused about whether i can strip the essential-modifier in choose C

no, the so-called "essential-modifier" is in the causal chain, which you should clarify it explicitly.

also in D,I think the GMAT will not ask us to identify who or what may generate the heat

it's the chain stuff.

I just find the intended meaning a little bit hard to understand(so what is being contrast?frozen and melt?so D appears better to me)

D is wrong for some reason. try to find it out. that's the right mindset in GMAT. (secretly speaking, I just heard that from RON, ~~)
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Re: prep 2012 pack1 (need instructors!)

by eggpain24 Thu Sep 06, 2012 8:55 am

magic monkey Wrote:It is the LOGICAL/ CAUSAL CHAIN not COMMON SENSE that matters in this OG question. Try switch into another way to look at it. After all, whatever is OFFICIALLY right is DEFINITELY right!

but i still a little bit confused about whether i can strip the essential-modifier in choose C

no, the so-called "essential-modifier" is in the causal chain, which you should clarify it explicitly.

also in D,I think the GMAT will not ask us to identify who or what may generate the heat

it's the chain stuff.

I just find the intended meaning a little bit hard to understand(so what is being contrast?frozen and melt?so D appears better to me)

D is wrong for some reason. try to find it out. that's the right mindset in GMAT. (secretly speaking, I just heard that from RON, ~~)

yeap,I need a very compelling reason to persuade me ...confusing
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Re: prep 2012 pack1 (need instructors!)

by eggpain24 Mon Sep 10, 2012 10:00 am

anybody here just to give me an insight?
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Re: prep 2012 pack1 (need instructors!)

by jlucero Thu Sep 20, 2012 5:18 pm

Per forum rules:

It is illegal to post any questions from paid GMAC resources, including GMAT Prep Packs. This forum is only for questions found on GMAT Prep questions. However, this is also a question found on GMAT Prep, so I will ask you to post any further questions to the previously created thread:

Joe Lucero
Manhattan GMAT Instructor