After all the practice that I did for the past few months, I was only able to score a meagre 580 (Q -47 , V- 24) in one of the GMAT Prep exam.
Quants has never been a problem since I have been scoring over 45 for most of the practice tests that I took (both MGMAT and GMATPrep).
But the verbal section has always been an area of concern, with scores usually ranging from 27 to 33 and once I scored a 36. RC is the weakest area. Most of the time when I scored poorly in Verbal, I found that my performance in RC was poor. Reading speed and comprehending the meaning of a passage or a CR is also a problem.
The current score(V-24) that I got in Verbal has really demoralised me.
Currently I own (have practiced them several times except for KAPLAN 800) the following books :-
2. KAPLAN Verbal Guide
3. OG
4. OG Verbal Guide
5. Manhattan Sentence Correction
8. Kaplan 800
Please let me know if it is possible to improve my verbal score to 40 or atleast to 38, since I am targetting an overall score of 700+ .
I plan to take the test in another 2-3 months time based on my preparation in Verbal. Please suggest me ways how I can improve my verbal scores.