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Plan A Failed... Will Plan B Work?

by Laura Thu Aug 30, 2007 2:39 pm

I took my GMAT this past weekend and to my surprise, I couldn't work the simple arithmetic on the first question under two minutes! That one question, which I answered incorrectly set the tone for my math section. I ended up with a 620 (39/57%M and 40/80% V), far below my average practice tests (MGMAT & GMATPrep). My math score on my practice tests had been the following: 73, 79, 82 and 86 percentile.

I'm very disappointed and still don't have the nerve to look at another GMAT problem. Nevertheless, I am going to retake the exam at the end of September. Now, should I focus solely on the GMAT until I retake it? Or, should I multi-task the MBA events and essay writing with GMAT preparation? I know I'll do better if I focus on one thing at a time, but would I still have time to meet round two deadlines?

Also, I have been invited to attend a two day networking conference at one of my top MBA choices in September. I don't think it's going to be a competitive environment, but I've been contemplating whether I should go. I prefer to go with a GMAT score that is at least within the 80% range of the school's student profile.

Your advice is much appreciated.

Thanks for reading,

by MBAApply Fri Aug 31, 2007 8:56 pm

For the time being, your GMAT should be the priority anyhow until you've taken it (i.e. even if you can multitask, the focus should be on the test prep).

As for the networking events - I wouldn't sweat it. Those kinds of events are for YOU to find out more about the programs, not for adcoms to find out more about you (that's what the written app and interviews are for).
