Hi Ron
Performing a risky maneuver that required precision flying, not only did space shuttle astronauts retrieve an orbiting satellite, it was done simultaneously while avoiding being rear-ended by a passing ultraviolet telescope.
A. not only did space shuttle astronauts retrieve an orbiting satellite, it was done simultaneously while avoiding
B. not only was an orbiting satellite retrieved by space shuttle astronauts, but they also simultaneously avoided
C. an orbiting satellite was retrieved by space shuttle astronauts who also avoided simultaneously
D. space shuttle astronauts retrieved an orbiting satellite, simultaneously while avoiding
E. space shuttle astronauts retrieved an orbiting satellite and simultaneously avoided
A,B and C are not a concern
why is D incorrect?
I have seen the usage of "while" with "at the same time" in an official question( people denounce the government bla bla). In this context are 'while" and "simultaneously" redundant?