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Part Time Question

by dwilliam Sat Feb 23, 2008 11:24 am

I am looking into part time programs simply because I don't want to go two years without income. My questions are: Does is look strange or will it have a negative effect on my candidacy if I apply to a part time program in Chicago (I live in San Diego now), with the idea of getting a job in Chicago once I know I will be moving there?

I am in sales now, and planning on going into marketing, more specific, brand management. I have heard full time programs are much better for career "switchers." Is sales to marketing considered enough of a switch that a part time program would put me at a disadvantage in getting a brand management job once I complete my MBA?


by MBAApply Sun Mar 02, 2008 11:55 pm

If you can manage your schedule to make the classes, then it shouldn't be an issue. However, I'm not sure why you are applying to a part-time program in Chicago if you're living in San Diego. If you are dead set on moving to Chicago regardless, then you are probably better off moving to Chicago and getting a job there first before applying.

As for your other questions, it's really hard to say because it depends on each individual - it really depends on your own individual situation and how you position yourself in the application.

Alex Chu