Verbal problems from the *free* official practice tests and
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by gauravtyagigmat Thu Nov 07, 2013 9:49 am

A South American bird that forages for winged termites and other small insects while swinging upside down from the foliage of tall trees, the graveteiro belongs to the ovenbird family, a group of New World tropical birds that includes more than 230 species and that are represented in virtually every kind of habitat.

A. graveteiro belongs to the ovenbird family, a group of New World tropical birds that includes more than 230 species and that are
B. graveteiro belongs to the ovenbird family, a group of New World tropical birds that includes more than 230 species and is
C. graveteiro belongs to the ovenbird family, a group of New World tropical birds that include more than 230 species and is
D. graveteiro, which belongs to the ovenbird family, a group of New World tropical birds that includes more than 230 species and that are
E. graveteiro, which belongs to the ovenbird family, a group of New World tropical birds that includes more than 230 species and is

OA : B . I am also marked B as my answer and it is the best
among all the answers.I am not questioning the correct answer

A South American bird that forages for winged termites and other small insects while swinging upside down from the foliage of tall trees, graveteiro belongs to the ovenbird family, a group of New World tropical birds that includes
more than 230 species and is represented in
virtually every kind of habitat.

Hi Ron,
don't you think "is" should be preceeded by "that" after "and"
to have parallelism

i know in case to verb(if same verb is repeated) second verb is optional unless there is parallelism marker before first verb

same applies for "to" in infinitive

Is same applies for "that" and other pronouns also
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Re: parallelism

by RonPurewal Fri Nov 08, 2013 11:53 am

"Includes" and "is" are parallel.
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Re: parallelism

by RonPurewal Fri Nov 08, 2013 11:54 am

And ... don't question the correct answers.

You wrote "I am not questioning the correct answer", but, in point of fact, you ARE questioning the correct answer. You're still asking whether the correct answer is wrong.
No. The correct answer is not wrong.

The correct answers are never wrong. Don't try to "improve" them.
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Re: parallelism

by gauravtyagigmat Fri Nov 08, 2013 2:27 pm

Gaurav Wrote:"
i know in case to verb(if same verb is repeated) second verb is optional unless there is parallelism marker before first verb

same applies for "to" in infinitive

Is same applies for "that" and other pronouns also ?

I guess you missed to answer my main question mentioned in last four lines of my previous quote?

for example
The rain was torrential and wind fierce
Here it is fine not to repeat "was".

I was reding sentence correction guide
In chapter 11 on page 221
I came accross with a sentence

1.A mastodon carcass, which has been thawed only once and which is still fresh, is on display

2..A mastodon carcass, which has been thawed only once and is still fresh, is on display

Can we parallel perfect tenses with a normal verb in second sentence?

Please clarify which of the above two sentences parallelism is correct and why?

Please answer
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Re: parallelism

by gauravtyagigmat Fri Nov 08, 2013 3:15 pm

RonPurewal Wrote:And ... don't question the correct answers.

You wrote "I am not questioning the correct answer", but, in point of fact, you ARE questioning the correct answer. You're still asking whether the correct answer is wrong.
No. The correct answer is not wrong.

The correct answers are never wrong. Don't try to "improve" them.

Ron Sir I have not wrritten anywhere whether correct answer is correct or wrong.I am trying to build my concept with Manhattan sentence correction guide and english is also not my native language.Whenever I observe an addition thing that I was not able to grasp accurately I ask questions to you.when I point out something in correct answer.It doesn't means that i question correct answers instead It means i am trying to remember the construction.I am really bad at mugging up things without any logic so I try to clarify my doubt that forced me to pick incorrect answer.

From bottom of my heart I really thanks you for your support in my prepration.
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Re: parallelism

by jlucero Fri Nov 08, 2013 5:07 pm

I think you're missing Ron's point here. In the original post, you wrote "I am not questioning the correct answer". Now you also addressed Ron after writing that, so it's possible you copied and pasted this from another site. Furthermore, you're trying to improve a correct answer. Ron's point is that you won't find an answer better than the correct answer. So instead of saying "wouldn't this SC answer be better if I did X", say to yourself "since the GMAT allows X to be ok, why is X ok". You'll get more of your questions answered this way.

The reason is that parallelism isn't a perfect science. You can say

I like to eat, drink, and be merry.
I like to eat, to drink, and to be merry.

Both are ok, because both have elements of the sentence that are structurally similar and can each branch on to the main idea of the sentence to make (in this case) 3 separate sentences:

I like to:
be merry.


I like:
to eat
to drink
to be merry.

This is why parallelism is tricky for many students, because you're thinking "why isn't there the word that in this sentence" when really you need to change the way you are looking for the different parallel branches.

This is also why your two mastadon examples are both fine.
Joe Lucero
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Re: parallelism

by gauravtyagigmat Tue Nov 12, 2013 5:08 am

jlucero Wrote:I think you're missing Ron's point here. In the original post, you wrote "I am not questioning the correct answer". Now you also addressed Ron after writing that, so it's possible you copied and pasted this from another site. Furthermore, you're trying to improve a correct answer. Ron's point is that you won't find an answer better than the correct answer. So instead of saying "wouldn't this SC answer be better if I did X", say to yourself "since the GMAT allows X to be ok, why is X ok". You'll get more of your questions answered this way.

The reason is that parallelism isn't a perfect science. You can say

I like to eat, drink, and be merry.
I like to eat, to drink, and to be merry.

Both are ok, because both have elements of the sentence that are structurally similar and can each branch on to the main idea of the sentence to make (in this case) 3 separate sentences:

I like to:
be merry.


I like:
to eat
to drink
to be merry.

This is why parallelism is tricky for many students, because you're thinking "why isn't there the word that in this sentence" when really you need to change the way you are looking for the different parallel branches.

This is also why your two mastadon examples are both fine.

ok..I get your point
But somehow i am still not able to get whAT is parallel in second sentence
A mastodon carcass, which has been thawed only once and is still fresh, is on display

Please explain
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Re: parallelism

by RonPurewal Tue Nov 12, 2013 5:45 am

gauravtyagigmat Wrote:ok..I get your point
But somehow i am still not able to get whAT is parallel in second sentence
A mastodon carcass, which has been thawed only once and is still fresh, is on display

^^ There.

You know for sure that the second half must be "is still fresh", since that is what follows "and". So your only job here is to find whatever is parallel to "is still fresh".
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Re: parallelism

by gauravtyagigmat Tue Nov 12, 2013 1:34 pm

RonPurewal Wrote:
gauravtyagigmat Wrote:ok..I get your point
But somehow i am still not able to get whAT is parallel in second sentence
A mastodon carcass, which has been thawed only once and is still fresh, is on display

^^ There.

You know for sure that the second half must be "is still fresh", since that is what follows "and". So your only job here is to find whatever is parallel to "is still fresh".

Ok so this means we can parallel present/past participle with to be verb and other working verbs ..
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Re: parallelism

by tim Sun Jan 05, 2014 3:53 pm

No. A conjugated verb can only be paired with a conjugated verb (although tense does not matter at all), while an infinitive can only be paired with an infinitive.
Tim Sanders
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Re: parallelism

by khushbumerchant Tue Feb 25, 2014 2:37 pm

[quote="tim"]No. A conjugated verb can only be paired with a conjugated verb (although tense does not matter at all), while an infinitive can only be paired with an infinitive.[/quote]
In that case how can the below sentence be made parallel without using clause 'which has been' and 'which is still': A mastodon carcass, thawed only once and still fresh, is on display.
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Re: parallelism

by RonPurewal Wed Feb 26, 2014 4:56 am

That sentence is already ok. The parallelism is fine. ("Thawed" and "fresh" are both modifiers describing the carcass.)
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Re: A South American bird

by MmryWW Sat Jan 09, 2016 6:44 am

Hi MGMAT instuctors

I'm a little confused about the whole structure of this problem..really appreciate if anyone can help me:)

I know "A South American bird that for winged termites and other small insects while swinging upside down form the foliage of tall trees" is an appositive clause of the subject "the graveteiro", but how about "a group of New World tropical birds that includes more than 230 species and is represented in virtually every kind of habitat" modified? Does it modify "ovenbird family"?

Besides, Is "a group of New World tropical birds" a single concept?

Many thanks!
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Re: parallelism

by RonPurewal Fri Jan 15, 2016 3:48 am

is this problem from the FREE gmat prep software?

if so, please post a screen shot. thanks.

if not, we can't continue to discuss it here.