Hello, I just did a quick search of the forum and didn't initially see a similar question.
I'm currently working my way through the Manhattan GMAT Quant strategy guides. I noticed that the later chapters have lists of problems in OG for me to complete. For example, chapter nine of the number properties guide lists all the problems in OG that test number properties concepts. I did a few of these under timed conditions. However, I can't help but feel maybe this is not an optimal use of these valuable OG problems.
Part of the difficulty in harder OG problems is the fact that what is actually being tested is disguised. When I'm doing these OG problems now, I'm going in knowing its testing primes, consecutive integers...etc
Wouldn't I get more out of OG if I just completed all the strategy guides and then tackled OG Quant as a whole in order? not knowing what each question was testing before I attempted it?
I'd like to hear what you guys think