On the planet Flarp, 3 floops equal 5 fleeps, 4 fleeps equal 7 flaaps, and 2 flaaps equal 3 fliips. How many floops are equal to 35 fliips?
Solution (from the MGMT SG book):
35 fliips x 2 flaaps/3 fliips x 4 fleeps/7 flaaps x 3 floops/5 fleeps = 8 floops
How do I know that I need to multiply all the ratios? The problem states equalities, such as 3 floops = 5 fleeps and etc. Why equalities did become ratios? More detailed explanation would be helpful for me. When I was doing this problem, I expressed each unit from the beginning (floops) to the end (fliips) separately to find out how many floops are equal to 35 fliips.