Verbal questions and topics from the Official Guide and Verbal Review books.

OG (10th ed) - SC - #43

by tali62 Tue Apr 17, 2007 12:36 am

If you see this question for the first time, will you choose A with such awkward construction as "before Australia was Australia" as the right answer? Or does it sound awkward to me but in realilty is ok.

43. In the minds of many people living in England, before Australia was Australia, it was the antipodes, the opposite pole to civilization, an obscure and unimagin­able place that was considered the end of the world.

(A) before Australia was Australia, it was the antipodes

(B) before there was Australia, it was the antipodes

(C) it was the antipodes that was Australia

(D) Australia was what was the antipodes

(E) Australia was what had been known as the antipodes
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OG 10 verbal # 43

by StaceyKoprince Wed Apr 18, 2007 6:56 pm

I rarely choose A immediately upon reading it because I want to read the other choices first. But I also know it is often the case that, when A is right, it sounds a little awkward... to try to trick people into NOT choosing it. So, I'd read that and think, "Huh. That's a little awkward." But then I would examine it to see whether I can find an actual error (as I always do when I think something doesn't sound good). And I wouldn't be able to spot an error because there isn't one.

Then, I'd reserve judgment and examine the other choices. They all have errors, so I'm back to A by default.

Moral of the story: it's fine to use your ear to some extent, but don't cross something off just because it sounds awkward. Always take the next step to figure out why it sounds awkward. If you can't figure out why (that is, what the actual error is), then don't cross it off. Examine your other choices, cross off any for which you can find actual errors, and then, if you still have more than one choice left, compare and decide what to choose.
Stacey Koprince
Director, Content & Curriculum

by Guest Sat Apr 21, 2007 1:39 am

Hi ,

I suggest pl. dont decide the moment you see the question because it sounds awkward or something like that. In regard to this question, I didnt find any awkwardness. And when we have 5 choices, I feel, its not fair to decide seeing the first choice unless you are damn sure.
