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Official versus Unofficial GMAT Score

by MaysaJ757 Sat Jan 03, 2015 10:23 pm


I just completed my GMAT and received a score that I was happy with (let's say it was a 680). This was the unofficial score that I saw on my screen and received as a printout as I left the test center.

Should I expect any potential differences/changes in my Official Score that I receive in the next 20 days from the GMAC folks? Or is it just that the Official score will also have my AWA results?

I'm concerned as I want to make sure that the score I agreed to release to schools is the same score that I will actually have according to the Official results from the GMAC.

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Re: Official versus Unofficial GMAT Score

by strausc438 Mon May 11, 2020 2:01 pm

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