Study and Strategy questions relating to the GMAT.

official practice test scoring?

by Guest Mon Oct 27, 2008 1:21 pm

I just took a practice test off the official gmat website, but when I got to the end of it it just showed me the number wrong for each section, not a score. And then of course I hit "okay" and it erased everything. If I take another one, how do I get the actual score?
ManhattanGMAT Staff
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Joined: Wed Oct 19, 2005 9:05 am
Location: Montreal

by StaceyKoprince Mon Oct 27, 2008 4:28 pm

Were you taking GMATFocus? I don't believe GMATPrep is taken off of the website - that's a download or on CD, I think. (Though I haven't checked lately - maybe they changed things.)

GMATFocus does not give a specific score; it offers score ranges. If you took GMATPrep off of the website, I'm not sure how they might have changed things, since I've only ever taken it from a download of the software. I do remember students complaining that, when you take the test from the download, you aren't able to go back to the score screen, so if you don't take a screenshot of it, you have to remember or write everything down before moving on. So if they've moved GMATPrep to a website delivery, it would probably be the same deal, which means that they may have shown you a score but you didn't notice, and then you moved on and you wouldn't be able to get back to it.

Can you clarify which test you took?
Stacey Koprince
Director, Content & Curriculum