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Note-taking strategy for CR and RC

by Naim Tue May 04, 2010 4:51 am


During the CATs, I drew up Headline Lists, Skeletal Sketches and T-diagrams for the RC and CR questions. However, I noticed that I havent used them much to answer the questions for the following reasons:

- Under stress, my handwriting gets bad and I could not comprehend well what I wrote
- I had a hard time building comprehension while focused also on writing so I had to get back to the text and reread
- Oftentimes, I scribble the notes to add/remove one element and as a result my note for a specific text become obscured

These reasons led me to think that as of now my notes are slowing me down.

My gut feeling is telling me that I am better performing (understanding and interpreting then answering) when I work hard on concretizing and unpacking the text in my mind using my own words then answering using the process of elimination.

What should I do: work harder on the note-taking strategy or adopt my strategy or combine both?

Any advice on this subject will be of great help.

ManhattanGMAT Staff
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Joined: Tue Dec 14, 2004 1:03 pm

Re: Note-taking strategy for CR and RC

by mschwrtz Sun May 23, 2010 3:38 am

Hey Naim, sorry, but this forum is for specific questions from the GMATPrep verbal material. Our more general forums are locked, at least till we get caught up with backlog on those that remain open.