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Not convinced about my GMAT SCore -640

by bose_pathfinder Wed Sep 28, 2011 1:17 pm

Hello to everyone,

I would like to share my experience of the GMAT especially since I depended heavily on MGAMT for the preparation. I studied the MGMAT Strategy series thoroughly and took three of the online CAT tests of MGMAT. Breakdown of the results were as follows: -

On 28 Jul 11: Quant - 44, Verbal -31 Total = 610.

On 04 Sep 11: Quant - 43, Verbal - 35 Total = 640

On 20 Sep 11: Quant - 48, Verbal - 35 Total = 680

On GMAT Prep Test (from MBA.Com website) = 670

Final GMAT on 25 Sep 11

Quant: 50 and Verbal - Only 27!!!! Total = 640

I found the Verbal Score quite shocking. In all my preparation, I have never scored less than 30 in Verbal in any online test!

Is it possible that there could be errors in the GMAT scoring system? Can anyone throw some light on the subject? Would be grateful for some response especially from the MGMAT staff. I have seen reports of 2001 (link: that GMAT did make mistakes in their scoring which hurt a lot of students. Any comments?

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Re: Not convinced about my GMAT SCore -640

by solomoooon Wed Oct 05, 2011 3:23 pm

I'm just back from GMAT exam. On preparation tests(Knewton,Mgmat, GmatPrep) never got less than 700.
What is surprising I got exactly the same numbers you did. EXACTLY: 50 27 640. And everything went much smoother than it did in preparation test. I was expecting something above 720 because there were maybe 7 questions at most I had any kind of dilemma. When I saw the grade i barely remained seated.
Ine one word:SHOCK!!! I can't believe it is a real grade.
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Re: Not convinced about my GMAT SCore -640

by jeremysage26 Fri Dec 02, 2011 12:42 pm

I had same exact problem. My verbal score on every practice test was >70%. On Gmat I scored 44%. All of my practice tests were between 630-700. I got a 610 test day.
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Re: Not convinced about my GMAT SCore -640

by suhail Fri Mar 30, 2012 12:25 pm

a lot of people seem to be having similar experience with an abnormally low verbal score. whats the take away and how to combat it ?
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Re: Not convinced about my GMAT SCore -640

by molibya Fri Mar 30, 2012 5:26 pm

Just took the GMAT. 450 Q29 V23 (March 30 2011)

I've been getting close around 40s on verbal on my GMAT prep and MGMAT. The verbal on this test has gotten ridiculous. My score ranges on the practice tests have been 580s-630s. (Goal is 600)

A year and a half ago, (22 November, 2010 to be exact) I took the GMAT without barely studying and got a 480 Q26 V31. This time around, I studies for 6 hours a day for one month. Someone explain that to me?

And yes, to top it off, I AM A NATIVE ENGLISH SPEAKER!
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Re: Not convinced about my GMAT SCore -640

by suhail Fri Apr 20, 2012 2:18 pm

Does any MGMAT instructor read these posts?
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Re: Not convinced about my GMAT SCore -640

by zhoubowei26 Thu Dec 27, 2012 9:09 pm

I had the same problem!!!! I totally unconvinced about the test score I have got today M50 V23?? =620. I studied 3 weeks for my first Gmat test and the verbal was 24. However after 3 month hardly study this time I got 23 on verbal?? I had clear picture of each questions in the test and I was really confident of each answer!!! besides, on Gmat prep or manhattan was never below 33!!! I have no idea what happened either!
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Re: Not convinced about my GMAT SCore -640

by mukesh.mulchandani Mon May 06, 2013 8:58 pm

a lot of people seem to be having similar experience with an abnormally low verbal score. whats the take away and how to combat it ?

I also got a surprisingly low verbal score on my test this past weekend and I am still scratching my head trying to figure where I could have screwed up. Everything was going fine with guesses only on a couple of RC questions and may be a couple of CR questions and also that I finished on time; and then the screen showed me V30.