Guys I'm took 2 GMAT test on March 25, 2021 and on April 28, 2021 respectively. According to the FAQ of, the Official Score Report would be available to me within 20 days after that. However, I still have not received the official score reports of these 2 EXAMS up until now.
Beforehand, I escalated this issue to Customer Support team and they said that I had two duplicate profiles with different emails in the system. So, before any testing or score report requests can be done, the two accounts must be merged. Then, finally my 2 accounts have been successfully merged. However, after that, I haven't received no update about Offical Score Report.
Since I was so worried, I wrote another email to to ask for assistance with this isue. But there still has been no update until now
Actually I achieved my highest GMAT score at the third time. So I'm really scared whether something bad will happen and my GMAT Score is cancelled (((
Is there anyone who used to experience the same situation as mine?