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Re: Nine months after the county-GPrep SC

by RonPurewal Wed Sep 11, 2013 1:50 am

It's hard for me to tell exactly what you are asking.
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Re: Nine months after the county-GPrep SC

by JaneJ740 Wed Aug 06, 2014 6:56 am

Would it be right if C wrote as "that it violates state laws that allow"?

And would this "that it violates state laws that allow" better than D?
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Re: Nine months after the county-GPrep SC

by jlucero Fri Aug 08, 2014 12:18 pm

JaneJ740 Wrote:Hello,
Would it be right if C wrote as "that it violates state laws that allow"?

And would this "that it violates state laws that allow" better than D?

Your modified sentence is correct.

Keep in mind that every GMAT questions has one right answer and four wrong answers. There are no better or worse right answers. D is right, so nothing can be better than it on the test (even if you may prefer to write it a different way in your own mind, or there's an alternative option that gives a slightly different meaning that's also correct).
Joe Lucero
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Re: Nine months after the county-GPrep SC

by eggpain24 Sat Aug 09, 2014 3:39 pm


in choice B

is it the infinitive create some sort of meaning like the one below?

A judge overturn sth. to allow the use (showing the purpose

I think this meaning is fine = =

The primary mistake here is unidiomatic expression and the pronoun “their”

correct me if I am wrong
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Re: Nine months after the county-GPrep SC

by RonPurewal Wed Aug 13, 2014 9:41 am

No, that meaning isn't fine.
In that interpretation—in which "to allow xxxx" applies to the judge's actions—the specific nature of the "state laws" is left completely unspecified.
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Re: Nine months after the county-GPrep SC

by eggpain24 Wed Aug 13, 2014 12:10 pm

RonPurewal Wrote:No, that meaning isn't fine.
In that interpretation—in which "to allow xxxx" applies to the judge's actions—the specific nature of the "state laws" is left completely unspecified.

got it~

thanks Ron
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Re: Nine months after the county-GPrep SC

by tim Sat Aug 30, 2014 9:23 pm

Tim Sanders
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Re: Nine months after the county-GPrep SC

by RonPurewal Mon Sep 01, 2014 3:12 am

More generally—
If modifiers are moved around to different places in the different answer choices:
• Think very carefully about which things describe which other things.
• Pick choices that place those pairs of things as close together as possible.