Verbal problems from the *free* official practice tests and
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Joined: Sat Sep 17, 2016 7:15 am

new CLP-300 laserjet printer

by NehaM981 Sat Oct 08, 2016 6:24 am

Posts: 19744
Joined: Tue Aug 14, 2007 8:23 am

Re: new CLP-300 laserjet printer

by RonPurewal Sun Oct 09, 2016 4:08 am

please do not post problems from incorrect sources.

the problem you posted is obviously NOT from the GMAT PREP software—because it's a blatant rip-off of this problem, which IS from that software:


also, i don't know where you got that problem—but, clearly, it's from a source that just steals GMAT PREP problems and makes a handful of insignificant changes to them.

there's no point in using questions from such a source—since, clearly, the questions have no value that you couldn't get just from studying the original GMAT PREP problems. (also, if you paid money for this source and *most* of the problems are like this, you should definitely try to get your money back!)