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Need help with Data Sufficiency please!!!!

by KrystelN392 Wed Mar 07, 2018 7:58 am

Hi guys,

I've been studying for quite sometime for the GMAT and I even took an in-person course last year. I wanted to come here and ask about your experience with Data Sufficiency (Quant)? I get EVERY DS question WRONG. Let me say that again: EVERY QUESTION WRONG. -- clearly I'm doing something wrong and I do not know what else to do. I utilize the AD-BCE approach and usually end up between 2 options and I chose the wrong answer. Do you have any strategies or anything at all to help me with data sufficiency? [size=100][/size]

I would GREATLY appreciate it!

Thanks! :)
Sage Pearce-Higgins
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Re: Need help with Data Sufficiency please!!!!

by Sage Pearce-Higgins Tue Mar 13, 2018 6:24 am

It's hard for me to diagnose what's going on without seeing how your thinking works. I can signpost you to some of the many resources you have as an ex-course student: the DS Methods Interact lesson; the Appendix in the FDP strategy guide on DS; the explanations in Navigator of OG problems.If you have specific questions about problems, then you can post here in the forums (however, no copyright OG problems allowed).

Have you ever tried writing a DS problem? How about writing one and posting it here with your own explanation?