Study and Strategy questions relating to the GMAT.

Need Help!!! Third attempt is on 27th Jan 2009

by NDR Fri Jan 02, 2009 12:19 pm

Hello friends,

I have planned to solve OG 10 , OG 11, QUANT REVIEW, VERBAL REVIEW, GMATPREP, GMAT FOCUS, GMAT PAPER SET I,II,III in another 25 days and will not touch any other material except MANHATTAN SC.

So do you think solving only OG 10 , OG 11, QUANT REVIEW, VERBAL REVIEW, GMATPREP, GMAT FOCUS, GMAT PAPER SET I,II,III will be sufficient.

I have about 25 days to complete above material and I have already solved all these material once during my past preparation

In past I have also done

Coz this wil be my third attempt and I dont want to miss this chance of scoring 700. In past 2 attempt my score was 610 (46Q, 28V) and 600 (50Q, 21V).

I need your opinion. Please help.
Eric, Logic Tech, Cramya, Parallel Chase and all other past achiever can you please help me what I should do in next 25 days. I dont want to miss 700 atleast this time. I am ready to study 6-8 hour a day.
ManhattanGMAT Staff
Posts: 370
Joined: Sun Oct 26, 2008 3:40 pm

by JonathanSchneider Mon Jan 05, 2009 1:22 pm

I'll happily chime in on this. My take is that 6-8 hours per day could be too much. It depends. You don't want to burn yourself out. It seems that you've done a LOT of review. However, it's oftentimes not the quantity of the review but the quality. How well do you spend each study session? What kinds of questions do you ask yourself as you review a problem? Do you really break a problem down as much as possible: understanding the core concepts, traps, why the wrong anwers are wrong, best approach, content area, etc.? To score a 700, you should be able to do that for most every question in the OG. You should also be able to get most OG 11 questions right within the time limits. This isn't easy to do! But again, focusing on the quality of our studying is what any of us needs to do. After all, no matter how many practice tests/books you look at, the problems you see on the test will be NEW. Of course, the material/content will be the same; so you need to have a good grasp on that underlying stuff.