I still have until Friday to practice for the GMAT. To get a feeling in which percentile I currently am, I tried my last manhattan CAT exam today. The results were the following:
IR: scaled 3.94, percentile: 3-5%
Quant: scaled 44, percentile: 58%
Verbal: scaled 34, percentile: 71%
Total score: scaled 640, percentile: 72%
I have not finished the last IR question and the last quant question due to timing issues. I completed AWA and respected all official GMAT timings.
However, I also took a GMATPrep practice exam before I started my study for the GMAT several weeks ago. These results were the following:
IR: scaled 2 percentile 12%
Quant: scaled 47, percentile 73%
Verbal: scaled 30, percentile: 72%
Total score: scaled 630 percentile: 72%
I finished all questions successfully. I did not complete AWA and paused the exam to complete the verbal section on the next day.
First, I want to express my sincere disappointment that although studying ALL Manhattan strategy guides, I only improved my score with 10 points (and the percentile hasn't even changed). Second, I would like to have your opinion on the development of my scores. With only 4 days left until D-day, I would like to know what you would suggest me to do next: focus on quant or on verbal?
As a non-native English speaker most of my effort when prepping for the GMAT went into verbal. This clearly improved my verbal score. However, now my quant skills seem a lot worse. Or can I not compare the Manhattan CAT with the GMAT Prep CAT?
Thank you in advance for your replies!